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Our Story...

Our story starts with two young number-crunchers journeying through the world and wanting to
bring a part of that world back home. In search of picturesque landscapes, we found ourselves in the
tranquil tea gardens of the Far East.


It was during our long journey through the valleys of Assam, in need of comfort and a sense of
belonging that kismet brought us to the doors of a hole-in-the-wall café with the most flavourful
spiced chai. It was here that our love for instant tea was brought to life – a warm embrace of India in
the comfort of your own home.


Upon our return, we set to work to develop our tea. Carefully crafted tea extracts were blended with
different spices to create new and innovative tea blends.


If you ask us why do we do what we do, our answer is simple – we want to give you an opportunity
to travel through your tastebuds and experience what we experienced in the comfort and
convenience of your own home.


We reconnected with our forefathers who voyaged along the African coast in search of a better life,
and right here in the Mother City our blends have taken its roots.

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